Friday, September 22, 2006

It begins...

First a little background. I have worked in a call center for over 5 years now. I have heard some pretty stupid things in my 30 years (almost) on this planet but since working at the call center at which I'm currently employed I have had a new outlook on the section of society that I deal with. This is going to be the purpose of this blog. To document the daily doings of my job. I will entertain you with stories of what customers have done/said and general office crap that has to be said on a forum of this size.

For those of you who don't know what a call center is... well you probably have called one before and didn't even notice. Typically it's a large building that's filled with rows of desks separated by mini walls. I can't say there's "cubicles" per se as usually it's just a back wall and 2 sides. People like me sit there for 8 hours a day and take/make calls to customers about a varied number of things. Some are completely useful such as sex lines and banking account customer service. Others are like mine. Mind numbing order desks. You call an 800 number and chances are you get someone like me on the line. Undereducated, jaded and listless. We appear pleasant and even friendly but rest assured that once you hang up (or when you put us on hold to go ask the boss something) we are making fun of you. It's not because we are mean people... well some of us are... but for me it has more to do with the fact that I have worked there too long. The money is suprisingly good and I really have no other formal training. So there I sit... taking calls from people who want to outfit their office with all sorts of boring things like post-it notes and printers.

So sit back, and enjoy the tales of retardation previously not known by anyone who hasn't had a friend who ate paint chips as a child or grew up near a power plant.

1 comment:

Au Telecom said...

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